Monday, September 8, 2014

Aperture - Aperture is the hole or opening of the camera which the light travels through. 

The lower the aperture—the larger the opening in the lens—the less depth of field—therefore the blurrier the background.

The higher the aperture - the smaller the opening of the lens - the greater depth of field, a less blurry background

higher aperture 
lower aperture 

Shutter Speed - the amount of time the shutter is open

slower shutter speed = anything that moves in the scene of the picture you want to take will blur. 

fast shutter speed = typically freezes the scene you wish to capture, with no blur to the motion being produced. 

faster shutter speed 

slower shutter speeds 

ISO - the camera's sensitivity to the light
(with the increasing ISO number, the 'noise' of an image goes up as well. therefore the ISO determines the graininess of your photo as well)
- the lower the ISO number, the less sensitive to light
-the higher the ISO number, the greater sensitivity to light

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