Wednesday, April 15, 2015


1. Look back at your very first blog post where you shared 5 things or people that inspire you.  Have your sources of inspiration changed or stayed the same? What new creative resources have you discovered over the course of the school year?

Overall, I think my inspirations have stayed the same. I'm still inspired by my friends/family, (as you can probably tell due to the astonishing amount of pictures of my friends and lindsay), everyday life, music, and nature. I think a new creative resource I discovered was just how cool flickr is, it gives me really cool sources of inspirations as well as role models for photography (such as Rachel Baran)

a few photos from flikr I love;

ines rehberger


katherina jung

2. What three things are you most passionate about?  
  • friends -I think one of the most important things is staying close with people you call your friends. Being with and talking to the people I am closest with is important to me, as it takes a while for me to warm up to people and my friends are people I can talk to anyone about.
  • books - I truly love reading for fun, and I like the places and adventures stories whisk me away to. 
  • capturing memories - I love when you're really just proud of what you captured on the camera, and the feeling you get when you look back on it and share it with others
3. How can you carry your inspirations and passion into your photography?
I would say relax and try enjoying every day, unique photo moments will probably pop up in that time.
4. What have you learned about the evolution of an idea over the course of the school year?
That sometimes it doesn't always work out the way you wanted it to/pictured it in your head. Even so, sometimes ideas will morph into something that's just as interesting. 
5. What have you learned about the creative process over the course of the school year?
That it's important to semi-plan something/get an idea in your head before heading out. Also surround yourself with interesting and fun people, because it will make everything 100x better
6. What assignments did you enjoy the most? Why did you enjoy them?
I enjoyed the portraits the most due to the large amount of freedom we had with that project. Also the fact that we had three trails made it so that we could compare each trial to another and we had a chance to kinda 'do it over'.

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